The Unsettled exhibition at the Australian Museum has been extended until January 2022. If you're in Sydney, don't miss it. Unsettled is a fresh look at Australia's post-invasion history, told and curated by First Nations people. It's superbly done. For most non-Indigenous Australians, it will be the first museum encounter with a First Nations telling of our colonial past - it was for me. It's a positive step towards a more accurate account of our national origins. Many Australians are seeking a better understanding of our colonial past. Unfortunately the closure of the exhibition in January and our closed international borders mean the exhibition won't reach international visitors. For as long as I've lived abroad, I've noted that foreigners often have a greater curiosity about Australia's Indigenous past than we do. Unsettled should be extended throughout 2022. Even better, expand it and give it a permanent home. We need a permanent museum giving voice to First Nations history and culture. A permanent home for Unsettled would be a more meaningful project in Parramatta than an $800 million expansion of the Powerhouse Museum.
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