Make a contribution to Rusty Compass
Rusty Compass is a uniquely independent resource for travellers to Vietnam, Cambodia, and as of the COVID crisis, we're home in Australia too. We aim to provide you with credible, travel information - free of commercial spin and advertorial. Our focus is firmly on your travel experience rather than travel "products".
Your support is very valuable to us. If you’ve found Rusty Compass useful, we’d be very grateful if you could help us out with a donation. If you can spare $5, $10, $20 or more, it will help us to keep everything on our site handpicked and independent.
Click on the link below and make a contribution via your credit card or paypal.
How do we make money?
We’re big believers in transparency. Which makes us a little unusual in the digital space - and the travel space. So you can read below to find out how we plan to make money. All of these initiatives are so new that we can’t give you a sense of how well they’re performing yet. Suffice to say, Rusty Compass isn’t making any money at this stage.
The most important thing to us is the independence and integrity of our travel information and recommendations. That’s the lifeblood of what we do. That’s what’s allowed us to build the trust and loyalty of our users. That stuff’s not for sale.
After years developing our concept and our audience, Rusty Compass is evolving into a business. And we need your help. If you’ve found our information useful, make a donation.
The ads you see on the site are paid and we receive a modest revenue stream from them. We keep our advertising and content separate. Advertisements have no bearing on our reviews, recommendations and other site content.
Active Listings and Featured Listings
Once a restaurant, hotel or other business has been selected for a recommendation on Rusty Compass, those businesses are able to improve their visibility on the site (their placement on the list of recommendations) for a fee. Businesses that pay for a higher ranking in a list receive no preferential treatment in their review and are subject to the same regular review as businesses with whom we have no commercial arrangements. Most of the businesses we recommend have no commercial relationship of any kind with us. Those businesses that do support us however, will be key to our long term success.