Layla Eatery and Bar, Saigon - review by Rusty Compass
Ho Chi Minh City | nightlife guide

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Layla Eatery and Bar, Saigon

| 20 Feb 2017


Layla Eatery and Bar, Saigon
2nd floor, 63 Đông Du, Quận 1, Ho Chi Minh City
+84 8 3827 2279
4PM till midnight

Our rating
20 Feb 2017

Hidden upstairs in the heart of Saigon, in a classic late colonial era building. Layla's a good spot for a downtown drink. Cocktails, wine and beers, done well and priced well. Happy hour is especially generous. Layla opened at the end of 2016.

Note: The information provided in this review was correct at time of publishing but may change. For final clarification please check with the relevant service

Jay, the young Australian running Layla describes the place as a “kick-back Australian feel eatery and bar. We believe in people getting together sharing amazing drinks and food. It's that simple”.

It all happens in one of the best bar spaces in the city, with views through lovely old trees to historic buildings on Dong Khoi St. As Saigon succumbs to the lure of concrete and steel, it's a view of the old city that gets more rare by the day.

Staff are friendly and welcoming, and everything’s well priced - especially for the space and central location. if you're feeling hungry, the kitchen serves tapas and share plates.

Layla's non-smoking inside and has a spacious outdoor smoking area.

Layla is directly opposite the Sheraton Hotel. You may be accosted by massage girls as you make your way up. They won’t be escorting you to Layla.

Rusty Compass recommendations are always independent. We list the places we think you should know about. That’s it. We’ve visited Layla on several occasions now - on one occasion Jay invited us for a drink. No inducement was received for this listing.

Mark Bowyer
Mark Bowyer is the founder and publisher of Rusty Compass.
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